work on my cathedral is progressing...
...but alas! it is slow. on the other hand i should be glad when i think how long it took the original masters to build theirs... :-) in this regard 3 dimensional modeling software is a definite bonus of our time.
the cathedral that i model is based on the one of reims. of course it is only a pale shadow of the original, as time for this first draft is short and i am sadly lacking in original images, measures and plans.
the images shown here will be a sort of work-in-progress posting. here is number one, modeling time so far: 10 hrs.
the cathedral that i model is based on the one of reims. of course it is only a pale shadow of the original, as time for this first draft is short and i am sadly lacking in original images, measures and plans.
the images shown here will be a sort of work-in-progress posting. here is number one, modeling time so far: 10 hrs.
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